Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Once in an Al-Anon meeting I picked up that book, the one with the daily quotes in it. I read it and it all seemed to really fit in my life. I think it might have been there, or on some website maybe, where I read about ultimatums. It said that if I issued one I better be prepared to lose it and accept the consequences. I wish I had read that after I set those boundaries (what I called ultimatums then). What I know now is that I was not prepared to back up what I said. I really meant what I yelled, "It is either me or Vicodin!" "If you don't have a job by the weekend we are through!" and so on. Never ending ultimatums. I got so bad about it that one day I told my middle child, "If you do that again you are grounded!" to which I heard my eldest child reply, "Yeah right, like that is ever going to happen."
OOOHH! I was so mad but the oldest was right! I never backed it up. Too many failures with C made me lose my backbone. I finally stopped that. The day I heard that kiddo's smart ass remark from the backseat a new lady was born. Now I will not sit here and lie and say that every threat that has come from me I followed through with but every ultimatum was. When I told him to get help and we could work it out or it was over, I meant it. And I did it. I divorced him, made him move out and went on with my life. The fact that he is in rehab now is because of him. I took him to the interview but he did it. That is incidental. If he had not sought treatment then he would have died. That is his journey. It parted from mine when he chose that shit. It wasn't mine. I let go and I felt free. Sometimes when I read the blogs of others I can feel myself tense up. I remember those fights and can nearly word for word recall the dialogue. Maybe the words are a little different but as I am finding out we aren't all as different as we would like to be. Maybe he says cunt instead of bitch and she says pussy instead of loser, but the fight progresses the same. I guess I want you all to know I remember those times. If you can get anything from this it is this: The Hardest Thing To Do Is ALWAYS The Right Thing To Do! That is my own personal quote, but it is true!
Setting boundaries, aka ultimatums and threats, is probably the keystone to attachment or detachment. It took me 8 years to get detachment. Once I found it I will never go back. I can love him, but I will not help him destroy himself. I will not load that gun with him. I will let go and step back. That blood is not on my hands. Dammit, it is so hard. I know you want to stop him but if you cannot stop yourself how on God's green earth can you stop someone else? That is the base of codependency. Oh, heavy thoughts. I am off now to work from home and ease off the soap box. Thanks for listening.


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

I know what you mean. I have made idle threats in the past, but I've come to see that if I am willing to state a consequence, I have to be willing to accept it myself. That has led to so much more serenity in my life -- I know that either way, things will be fine, and will be something I'm willing to live with.

The Discovering Alcoholic said...

What an apt post on the eve of Independence Day. You have become my hero for sharing this post with me over at TDA.

Thank you and take care,


Anonymous said...

Wow, good post. This is a tricky subject when dealing with an addict. The problem with ultimatums for an active addict (well this is my experience), is that I would always resent them, draw away from them, and they never meant much because they were never really backed by the consequence. I am not even sure if they were backed by a consequence that it would have changed anything for me. I think the hardest thing for someone who loves an addict, and is not one themselves, to understand is that no threat, or ultimatum, is ever going to make them change their behavior. For me the threat of loosing my family, or going to prison, or even the knowledge that I was slowly killing myself ever mattered. It has to be something within the addict which sparks the fire to want to change. I can not say what that thing is, because it's usually different for each person, ultimately I think it's when we hit the absolute bottom, when there is no further down we can go is when we look for help to climb back out of the hole we have dug. Now don't get me wrong, ultimatums on the other side, on your side are a good thing, if set, and followed through, they can be a really positive force in stopping the guilt, or feeling like you are continuing to help (enabling) the addict to continue using. So when you do these things, make sure that you do them for yourself, and that the consequences serve to meet your needs, because honestly, from my perspective, they never really meant much to me, and yes, that is a very sad statement.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your advice guys, it helped me a lot, I went to www.saveabreakup.com and followed their step by step instructions and it worked perfectly, now me and my girlfriend are back together.

Anonymous said...

I was able to get my ex back after I followed the instructions at www.saveabreakup.com I totally recommend this site, saveabreakup.com helped me a lot, all I can say is big THANKS!!! I'm so happy now...