Sunday, July 1, 2007

Thank you

Thank you to my blogs friends. It does make me feel better to know you are out there. It sucks that we have this common bond, or maybe it doesn't. I try to find the positive side to all of my experiences, though from the last blog you may wonder what a troll I really am! If I can find new, wonderful people from all over and connect with them, and we can learn and possibly heal together then the experiences are worth. I try to leave things better than when I found them. Thank you!!! =)

1 comment:

Good Grief said...

Hi. I'm behindpinnedeyes's g/f, and I wanted to thank you for your encouraging words in response to my first comment on his site. I've felt pretty alone in this for a long time, and as sad as it is to say it,.. its nice to know I'm not the only one out there. Those of my friends that know e is an addict, don't understand why I'm still here or what its like to love an addict. Its been a pretty lonely place, Thanks for not judging me,.. I appreciate your understanding and kindness,.. :)