Sunday, July 22, 2007

The bombshell

Things have been well. They have been really well. He is going to NA and working. I am working and coming home. It has been nice and when I feel myself thinking, "not if but when" I back off and thank God for the great day I had. That has been one of the biggest changes about me.

Now, how do I tell the family that he is here? Ha ha ha. Not really laughing. It is a sticky subject and they must know that something is up. I have been avoiding them like the plague. I don't want to hear it. And boy will I. Now I can go back to my codependent training and I will but just because I know it doesn't mean it will be any easier!

Oh help my codependent sisters and brothers and help addicts that we love! Help me construct the best email ever! Yes, I am a chicken shit. An email. That has to be more passive, right?


The Discovering Alcoholic said...

I have taken care of my children, myself, my home, and my money. They are safe and I have the training and the knowledge to keep them that way. I now will try to take care of my heart and help the one I love.

There are only one of two solutions my heart can take, reconciliation or closure. I pray for one but I am prepared for the other.

Thank you for your support.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put. Thank you. You always know how to end "it" (whatever that is) with a period. I sincerely hope that achieve that one day.