Saturday, August 25, 2007


School was awesome. As I walked on the campus with my backpack I felt like I was home. I love school. It is one area that I am truly passionate about.

Home is great. I mean, it is messy, but it is great. My son is playing tackle football this year (I am in TX and football is religion here). He looks so cute though.

I did find a scratch off ticket in my car console. That concerns me b/c like a good addict he is addicting to gambling too. C is addicting to everything that leads him to either a bar, a pawn shop or jail.

I talked with him about it and he said he wasn't hiding it from me. He knows it could be a problem and it was a good talk. He wasn't defensive. He has promised to try. That is better than an "I won't ever" promise. More meaningful. He always promised "never again" and didn't deliver. Now he is trying so that is something.

I get my two school kiddos into school Monday and I cannot wait. I am ready for that structure.

Money is tight, but when isn't it? I had to buy my books, their supplies, C's work clothes, and on and on. Oh well. At least it is for good things.

I met with the Assistant District Attorney last week. I forgot to mention it. I signed an affidavit of non prosecution. He isn't sure if they are dropping it or not, but it is a step. I wanted to ask, wtf will it take? It is my damn house and if I don't want to prosecute I should have that option. Damn. The legal system is a bitch.

So that is my quick update. On to the blogs of others.

1 comment:

joy said...

School RULES! I wonder if it's a requirement that all codies have to be nerds?

And gambling scares the shit out of me. It's such a fast way for an addict to blow through all your money. Some guys were talking to G about betting on a ball game a few days ago, and I practically swallowed my tongue with fear.