Monday, June 11, 2007

Ooooh, anticipation

Think of Chandler from Friends as I write this: I am SOOO going to be a grown kid on Wednesday. The two older kids and I are headed to a theme park not far from our house. We were fortunate enough to receive season's passes and this is the first of many trips over there. I love that place. It makes me really happy. I always had such a good time there when I was younger. And truthfully I love the rides. It is the only time that I am out of control and it thrills me. It scares the piss out of me, but it is really thrilling. I know when I need some excitement when passing someone on a two lane farm road is thrilling!
Thanks are actually well between C and I right now. He must have been really horny when I saw him last because he kept complimenting the way I look. He would always start asking me if I had lost weight as a way to get me in the sack. Oh well, it never stopped him from getting a hard on so I guess I don't repulse him. He always liked me with a little meat on my bones. When I lost all the weight from our second he always asked me to put on at least another 15 pounds. He never gave me hard time about those issues. I will love him forever for that. Even if there was nothing else I will love him forever for that.
I will briefly cover the last episode of Sopranos. Oh!!! I am so sad but relieved. I am glad that it is finally over because now I can move on with my life. I miss it, like a dear friend but on the nights that new episodes were on it was all I dreamed about. I was nearly obsessed. I am glad that it is finally over so that I can discover other aspects of life! lol

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