Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fixin' to

Not much to say tonight. I am still reeling from the effects of the Sopranos finale. It is a freaking show! This is why I like movies that don't require much thinking. It bogs me down so. I still haven't received C's letter. I guess he is taking the rehab seriously as he hasn't sneaked in a call since last week! I am proud of that. More than he will ever know.
I did mail him a Father's Day card. I hope he gets it in time. It will bum him out to be there. Oh well better there than on the street, in jail or dead!
I am "fixin' to" go to bed. I cannot break my Texas mouth of that phrase! Ugh. It kills me that I can hear ain't uttered from the lips of someone across the room but I cannot refrain from that saying!!!! It sounds so ignorant. "Fixin' to". At least I have made a conscious effort. Tomorrow is fun day at Six Flags! We are fixin' to wear ourselves out (I couldn't resist!). I will type more tomorrow provided I have the energy!

1 comment:

joy said...

"Fixin to" comes flying out of my face sometimes, too. Grad school and half a decade in New York City still hasn't washed all the south out of my mouth.