Friday, September 7, 2007

Back To Hell

Literally. We have to go back to Hell and clear up C's court troubles there. We. Yes we. I was looking up bus tickets b/c he didn't have access to the Internet at his job, not to mention he is computer illiterate, and he mentioned to me that he was a little afraid of going.

What? Well he told me later, on his lunch break, that he was afraid of going there alone. It was such a bad place for us. Not the place, but what spot he was in his addiction when he was there. It was a bad place for us both. That is why I call it hell. It really sucks there, especially when you are born and raised in a metroplex area. We didn't know what we were going to, really. It was one of the most impulsive things I have ever done in my entire life.

At any rate, it was an experience that had to happen and one I don't regret. I learned a lot about myself and he did as well. He asked me to go with him. I agreed. He asked for my support, not my support, but the support of a friend in a hard place. It was the first time he has ever asked for something like that. And it was the first time that I didn't volunteer it. I guess it happened like it is suppose to. You know, someone asks for help and they receive it. What a novel idea!

At any rate. I am pleased with it. If one of us has to go back there and needs support then the other should be able and willing to do it. And I am. And he is ready to go. It is a formality really. All we are doing is having the DWI crap transferred to our area. He has to do it in person though. Fucking red tape.

Have a great night! Will post when I can ( I only have about, umm, 12 papers due at the end of this month). I love school. =)


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

That sounds like a beautiful moment. Him asking for support, you giving it. Good luck on the journey to Hell.

Mantramine said...

Ug. 12 papers... That was a nice post, and then I read, 12 papers due...

I love school too, but I have love hate relationship with papers. 12? ug.

Good luck with all and everything

The Discovering Alcoholic said...

I went to court with my brother last month in a support role and you nailed the "good" type of support.

The kind that makes both of oyu feel good and right.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your advice guys, it helped me a lot, I went to and followed their step by step instructions and it worked perfectly, now me and my girlfriend are back together.